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Selections by profile
Make this your ultimate destination for holiday shopping! We've curated a collection of unique gift ideas that cater to every personality on your list. From wellness enthusiasts and matcha lovers to seasoned tea connoisseurs, these selections offer thoughtful and distinctive gifts that will delight everyone.
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Festive Teas - Holiday Gift Box
Tea bag assortment, set of 54Old price $54.00 New Price $27.00Limited Edition-50%Best of Palais des Thés - Holiday Gift Box
Tea bag assortment, set of 54Old price $54.00 New Price $27.00Limited Edition OrganicLimited Edition-50%Infuser Mug - Holiday Limited Edition
15 oz (44cl) - Ceramic mug44 clOld price $34.00 New Price $17.00Limited EditionBest-sellerBest-seller OrganicBest-sellerBest-sellerBest-sellerBest-sellerTheine FreeBest-seller OrganicBest-sellerTheine FreeBest-sellerBest-sellerTheine FreeBest-sellerBest-sellerBest-seller OrganicMake this your ultimate destination for holiday shopping! We've curated a collection of unique gift ideas that cater to every personality on your list. From wellness enthusiasts and matcha lovers to seasoned tea connoisseurs, these selections offer thoughtful and distinctive gifts that will delight everyone.
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