Gift under $50

Explore our wide selection of tea gifts from $20 to $50, perfect for any occasion. From best-selling teas to elegant tea sets and iconic accessories, these thoughtfully curated gifts are sure to delight all the tea lovers in your life!
Tea boxes & samplers 8 items
Cups, Bowls and Mugs 3 items
Single estate teas 1 item
Cadeaux pour
Cadeaux pour
Pour une première découverte 2 items
Pour un amateur d’infusions et rooibos 1 item
Pour un connaisseur 2 items
Pour un amateur de thé vert 1 item
Pour un amateur de thé noir 1 item

29 items Additional products are loaded on page scroll


Explore our wide selection of tea gifts from $20 to $50, perfect for any occasion. From best-selling teas to elegant tea sets and iconic accessories, these thoughtfully curated gifts are sure to delight all the tea lovers in your life!

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