Sushi pairings
If you've decided to prepare sushi, tailor each tea choice to the selected fish. For tuna or salmon sushi, consider opting for Bancha Hojicha, a roasted Japanese green tea with a refreshing, woody aroma and low caffeine content. When making sushi with sea bream, select a Sencha like Sencha Ariake, which is gentle yet mouth-filling, enhancing the umami taste.
Lastly, pair your mackerel sushi with a Genmaicha Yama! This remarkable blend of Bancha green tea and toasted rice offers fresh, roasted notes that beautifully complement the rich flavors of mackerel.

Our suggestions
Tea & Sushi

  1. Best-seller
    Sencha Ariake - Palais des Thés
    Sencha Ariake
    Japanese green tea
    The mildest of the great Sencha teas, ideal for morning tea.
  2. Best-seller
    Genmaicha Yama - Palais des Thés
    Genmaicha Yama
    Japanese green tea & roasted rice
    A traditional blend of Bancha green tea and roasted rice.
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