1. Best-seller
    Lover's Tea (The Des Amants)

    Lover's Tea (The Des Amants)

    Black tea, apple & spices
  2. Organic
    Ryokucha Midori Bio - Palais des Thés

    Ryokucha Midori (Organic)

    Japanese green tea
  3. Best-seller
    Montagne Bleue - Palais des Thés

    Blue Mountain

    Black tea, strawberry & flowers
  4. Hanging Garden

    Hanging Garden

    Caffeine-free blend of bergamot, flowers and mango
  5. La Menthe Glaciale - Palais des Thés

    Icy Mint

    Green tea & peppermint
  6. English Garden

    English Garden

    Herbal tea - Mint & yellow fruit
  7. Best-seller
    Jardin Tropical - Palais des Thés

    Tropical Garden

    Herbal tea - Exotic Fruits
  8. Jardin Fruité - Palais des Thés

    Fruit Garden

    Herbal tea - Berries & goji

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